Sunday, May 19, 2013

Know your skin type - Ayurvedic Beauty

Ayurveda has a very different approach to skin care from modern medicine. Rather than using topical agents alone like creams, lotions, and oils, Ayurveda treats the underlying skin problem at its root. In Ayurveda, the ancient medical system of India, the cause of skin conditions is thought to be due to a dosha imbalance. A dosha is your mind-body type. If you know your dosha, you can take steps to prevent skin problems before they even begin. There are three doshas in Ayurveda: Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha. Each dosha has a unique set of characteristics.

Vatta (Air and Ether)

Those with a primarily Vatta dosha have skin that can be described as fine or delicate yet also dry and flaky.  Vatta skin needs to be nourished and hydrated. It is at risk for premature aging due to a deficiency of well-nourished tissues in the body. Vatta skin tends to be dry, cracked, and thin. Because of its thinness, Vatta skin types have easily seen blood vessels. Lips and fingernails tend to be somewhat pale due to poor circulation. Hydration is essential for this skin type.

Foods to Eat

To look younger, Vatta skin types should eat more whole grains, warm milk, and cooked vegetables. These are nourishing foods that are packed with nutrients and easy to digest. Also, ginger is a great food to replenish Vatta skin because it helps increase metabolism and improve digestion, which impacts the color, thickness, and moisture of the skin. Get the Vatta meal plan.

Herbs to Take

Ashwaganda helps to ground Vatta types, who are constantly moving and tend to spread themselves out too thin. In Ayurveda, by reducing the excess mental activity of Vatta individuals, ashwaganda helps their gut absorb nutrients better, making the skin look younger and less wrinkled. A typical starting dose for ashwaganda is 500mg twice a day.

What to Avoid

Vatta skin types should avoid raw vegetables because their digestion is not strong enough to break them down in order to get the nutrients.

Pitta (Fire and Water)

Those with a dominant Pitta dosha are quite opposite of those with Vatta.  Pitta craves coolness and is actually aggravated by heat.  As a result, those with Pitta skin are easily sunburned and have problems with inflammation, irritation, redness, etc.  Pitta skin is fair, often with freckles and is known to produce a warm glow.   Pitta skin requires great care and is prone to conditions such as pigmentation issues, rashes, and is quite sensitive overall. 

Foods to Eat

Pitta skin types should eat sweet, watery fruits like melons, mangos, and pears. Think of a pot of water on high heat – Pitta evaporates the heat from your skin so you need to add foods with a high water content to keep Pitta in balance. Pitta is the exact opposite of Vatta in terms of temperature, so eating foods that are cooling such as coconut oil and rose petal jam helps to reduce the skin inflammation.

Herbs to Take

There are three great herbs for balancing Pitta skin:

  1. Turmeric powder has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and you can use in your cooking
  2. Amla berry, which is a cooling herb. You can take this as a supplement beginning at 250mg a day. It is also available in jam form.
  3. Fennel seeds, which are ideal for digestion. Chew a pinch of fennel seeds after your meals.
What to Avoid

Pitta skin gets aggravated by eating spicy foods, so they should avoid foods like; chilies, black pepper and jalapenos. The heat in spicy foods further increases Pitta people’s own natural internal heat.

Kapha (Earth and Water)

Kapha individuals tend to have naturally beautiful skin that ages slowly. Their skin tends to be plump and full of moisture. However, out of balance, Kapha skin tends to accumulate more toxins that predispose them to large pores, skin growths, skin eruptions, and a grayish film. The main focus for Kapha skin types should be removing toxins.

Foods to Eat

Kapha skin types should actually favor spicy foods, the exact opposite of Pitta skin types. The spicy food helps to stimulate their digestion and since Kapha individuals have the slowest metabolism, they need all the extra heat their food has to offer. Get the Kapha meal plan.

Herbs to Take

Kapha skin needs herbs that help boost metabolism to remove toxins from their body and help their skin look clearer and more vibrant. Kapha individuals should add black pepper and garlic to their meals. They should also take the supplement guggul, which helps remove toxins by regulating fat metabolism throughout the body.

What to Avoid

Kapha skin types should avoid all heavy, oily foods because their skin already tends to be oily and their digestion slow.

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